The independent non-executive director shall provide the written resignation report to the board of directors for resignation, accounting for any situation relating to his resignation or considered necessary to draw the company or the creditor's attention. 独立非执行董事辞职应向董事会提交书面辞职报告,对任何与其辞职有关或其认为有必要引起公司和债权人注意的情况进行说明。
Having worked in Hong Kong many years ago, and as a former non-executive director of a UK company with Chinese interests, I thought the fund was too risky. 我多年前在香港工作过,并曾在一家与中国存在利益关系的英国公司担任非执行董事,我认为该基金风险太大。
I understand why a credit officer would not want to be a non-executive director of a business to which they have loaned money. 我明白为何信贷官员不希望成为贷款企业的非执行董事。
I was given my own column, promoted, and more recently made a non-executive director of a public company. 我有自己的专栏,得到提升,最近还成了一家上市公司的非执行董事。
I am also a non-executive director of a company that is faring still worse. 我还是另一家公司的非执行董事,那家公司情况更糟。
Mr. Browning is the Chairman and Managing Director and Mr. Simpson is a non-executive Director. 勃朗宁先生是董事长兼总经理,辛普森是非执行董事。
Rongsheng said the inquiry involved the "private affairs" of Mr Zhang, a non-executive director of Rongsheng. 熔盛重工表示,美国的调查涉及该公司非执行董事张志熔的“个人投资行为”。
Crucially, he had been made a non-executive director of the bank the year before, passing a lengthy significant influence function interview. 关键的是,他在之前的一年通过了冗长的重大影响职位(significantinfluencefunction)面试,当上合作银行的非执行董事。
The chairman shall be an independent non-executive director of the company. 主席必须由公司的独立非执行董事担任。
In over two years as a non-executive director I have not managed to submit a single expense claim. 在担任非执行董事两年多时间里,我连一张报销单也没提交过。
It takes an extraordinary balancing act to be an effective non-executive director. 要想当一名得力的非执行董事,需要有非凡的平衡能力。
He is also a director of the Hong Kong Institute for monetary research and a non-executive director of the securities and futures commission. 他亦兼任香港金融研究中心董事与证券及期货事务监察委员会非执行董事。
In recognition of his work on corporate governance issues, he was twice elected as an independent non-executive director of the Hong Kong stock exchange, Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing, in 2003 and 2006. 为了表彰他在公司治理问题方面的工作,他于2003年和2006年两度被选为香港交易所(HongKongExchangesandClearing)的独立非执行董事。
A year or so ago I became a non-executive director and in my first board meeting the others were debating whether to write in the short term or in the medium term on a press release. 大约一年前,我成为了一名非执行董事,在我第一次参加董事会时,其他人在讨论是要在一份新闻稿中写短期还是中期。
The author has worked for 27 years as an executive and a non-executive director. She advises the capital recovery fund and non-executive Directors Association. 本文作者拥有27年执行董事和非执行董事的经历,目前担任capitalrecoveryfund和英国非执行董事协会(non-executivedirectorsassociation)顾问。
Over the past 30 years, I have been appraised three dozen times as banker, journalist and non-executive director. 过去30年,我先后以银行家、记者和非执行董事的身份,接受过30多次考核。
Since then, Mr Hsieh has resigned as non-executive director of the company, prime partners. 此后,谢福华辞去了在这家名为建力集团(primepartners)的公司担任的非执行董事一职。
More encouragingly, I have decided that my husband is quite wrong to assume that being a grown-up is a prerequisite for being a decent non-executive director. 比较令人鼓舞的是,我已经认定,我丈夫的想法大错特错了。他认为,要做一名得体的非执行董事,成年是一个前提。
And 3I found another heavyweight willing to become a non-executive director in Yuka Yeung, head of the Hong Kong subsidiary of KFC. 3i还找了一个愿意担任非执行董事的重量级人物,即肯德基香港分公司负责人杨耀强(yukayeung)。
Last week I joined the board of a medium-sized insurance company as a non-executive director. 最近我加入了一家中型保险公司的董事会,成了一名非执行董事。
After six months as a non-executive director I have discovered the worst thing about the job. 在担任非执行董事6个月之后,我发现了这个工作最糟糕的地方。
Quite the reverse. I personally know quite a number of female managers who have never been invited to become a non-executive director, but who in my opinion would make a valuable contribution to a board. 正好相反,我认识许多女性经理,她们从未被邀请成为非执行董事,但在我看来,她们可以为董事会做出有益的贡献。
Functionally, directors may be categorized either as an executive director or a non-executive director. 董事在职能上,还可以划分成执行和非执行两类。
Chairman of the committee shall be appointed by the board and shall be an independent non-executive director. 委员会主席须由董事会委任,且必须为独立非执行董事。
The majority of the members of the committee shall be independent non-executive directors and at least one independent non-executive director shall have the appropriate qualifications or expertise in financial management. 委员会过半数成员须由独立非执行董事担任,且当中至少须有一位独立非执行董事具备财务管理的合适资格或专业知识。
The courts declined and he was subsequently reappointed as a non-executive director while his 79-year-old mother, Kwong Siu-hing, later took over as the board chairwoman. 法庭拒绝了他的请求,随后他被重新任命为一名非执行董事,而他79岁的母亲邝肖卿(kwongsiu-hing)后来接任董事局主席。
Mr Li was appointed president and non-executive director of Cnooc in September this year and immediately prior to that his title was vice-president. 今年9月,原任副总裁的李凡荣被任命为中海油总裁兼非执行董事。
Pankhurst, who will be pursuing other opportunities, will remain a non-executive director and minority shareholder. 潘克赫斯特,谁将会寻求其他投资机会,仍将是一个非执行董事和少数股东。
I once wrote a column saying that I considered my husband to be my non-executive director, as he issued instructions, ate a hearty board lunch, but was exempt from doing any heavy lifting. 我曾经在专栏中写道,我将我丈夫看作我的非执行董事,因为他发布指示,享用丰盛的董事会午餐,却不用做任何繁重的工作。